Artificial Grass Care Guide

Whether you’ve made the leap and installed artificial grass already, or you’re thinking about it and wonder just how easy it really is to care for, we’ve got you covered.


Taking good care of your artificial grass will make sure it stays looking good, is safe and pleasant for kids and pets to play on and, most importantly, help prolong its life so you get the most out of your investment.

How to care for artificial grass

There are a few key things to remember when it comes to caring for artificial grass.

How to brush artificial grass

  • Lightly brush your new lawn with a broom once every one to two weeks to remove any leaves or twigs. Don’t use too much force, or you could misshape the turf.
  • Choose a medium, soft bristle brush to make sure you get good results while going easy on the grass.
  • Brush the grass against the direction of the artificial fibres for best results.

Removing leaves from artificial grass

  • A normal leaf blower still works perfectly on artificial grass.
  • Avoid trying to use a leaf blower on windy days, or your hard work is likely to get undone by the weather.
  • Wait until any leaves have dried for an easier time. Wet leaves stick together and are harder to remove.

Do you need to cut artificial grass?


One of the many upsides of artificial grass is that you never need to mow the lawn! A few other reasons to make the switch are:

  • No watering, which saves water and your water bills.
  • Save time! No mowing every week.
  • Safe and comfy for kids and pets
  • Quick drainage, so no puddles to worry about!
  • Doesn’t fade in sunlight
  • Keeps its lush, green colour, whatever the weather
  • Long lasting and hard wearing

Directions for cleaning artificial grass

Artificial grass is pretty low maintenance, but you will need to clean it occasionally. However, rainwater washes away most surface dirt so hosing down the lawn once a week or so will be more than enough to keep things looking good.

Other than that, a few things to keep in mind are:

  1. Remove leaves and other debris as needed with a leaf blower, brush or plastic rake.
  2. Keep hedges and trees trimmed to reduce the amount of leaves falling onto the lawn.
  3. Apply weed killer twice a year to your whole lawn. This will stop any weeds growing and kill any that have already appeared. 
  4. If your pets use the lawn as a bathroom, artificial turf spray will keep things clean. Sprinkling the area with baking soda and then adding a diluted vinegar solution will make sure there are no odours. Rinse well with water afterwards.

How to remove stains from artificial grass


Whatever you've spilled on your lawn - tea, wine, chocolate... - follow these steps to get things green again:

  1. Remove as much of the spillage as you can with a cloth or kitchen towels before it starts to set or harden.
  2. Soak up any liquids with a clean cloth, kitchen towels or cat litter.
  3. If there’s still a mark after these steps, make a mixture of dish soap and warm water, applying to the area with a sponge or soft brush.
  4. Work the solution into the stain gently, rinsing away afterwards with clean water.

Any hardened spillages can be removed with a plastic spatula or knife, or brushed away with an old toothbrush.

How to remove weeds from artificial grass

Sometimes weeds can pop through the drainage holes of artificial grass if your garden wasn’t excavated 100%, or if your sub-base is contaminated. A quality weed barrier is a good investment to put beneath your artificial grass to stop weeds growing through.

You can also:

  • Use weed killer twice a year
  • Rake your grass regularly
  • Pick any weeds you see to stop them from spreading their seeds

How to maintain artificial grass throughout the year.

Autumn and winter months might mean less activity in your garden, but that doesn’t mean you want to look out on a cluttered, messy lawn either! A few simple steps will keep your lawn looking its best, even if you’re enjoying it from the window.

During winter

Unlike real grass, frost and cold won’t damage your artificial lawn! It won’t snap or break, either. If snow or ice create a hard layer that’s enmeshed in the grass, don’t try and remove it yourself. Leave it to melt naturally or you risk damaging the fibres.



It might sound obvious, but we’re saying it anyway! Keep any fire or hot items, such as ashes or sparks from a fire pit or BBQ, from getting onto your artificial grass. The grass will melt, which can’t be undone.


Heavy items

You can place furniture and other heavy items on your artificial grass. However, it’s best to use a castor of some description to distribute the weight evenly and avoid any damage. The grass beneath the furniture will naturally flatten under the pressure but will spring back up in time. You can encourage it back into place gently with a soft brush, too. Move furniture regularly to avoid permanent flattening, and be wary of any furniture with sharp metal edges. They could cause cuts or tears.

Top tips


  Brush the grass regularly in the opposite direction of the artificial fibre

  Regularly remove leaves and debris using a leaf blower, stiff brush or plastic rake

  Trim hedges and trees often to limit the amount of leaves falling onto the lawn

  Apply week killer bi-annually to keep further growth spurts at bay

  Use an artificial turf spray to clean away any urine from your pets


  Leave stains to settle — and don’t rub them!

  Use barbeques, grills or fire pits

  Leave equipment such as chainsaws or hedge trimmers on the turf after use

  Use sharp objects on the grass

  Have any motor vehicles on the artificial grass (wheelbarrows, bicycles and wheelchairs are all fine)

Time for a new lawn?

If lawn maintenance doesn’t fit into your lifestyle, but you want the lush green look, or maybe you have a concrete yard or balcony that could do with going green, artificial grass could be for you. Check out our range online today, and check out our buying guide for everything you’ll ever need to know.